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Taco Whisky
Taco Whisky (@guest_1225127)
July 19, 2021 19:12

Are there any confirmed datapoints for what counts as DD? I did a similar promo with OnPoint last year but because I had a real DD last year but this year I don’t (unemployed.. no unemployment) :(. Does anyone have any ideas or know of a confirmed datapoint?

Melissa Marbles
Melissa Marbles (@guest_1076522)
October 20, 2020 22:24

Has anyone tried closing this account? Was there any fee? How did you close the account?

Daedalus (@guest_1082655)
October 31, 2020 17:20

Have to close by phone. They wanted me to come into branch to close, but I managed to talk them out of it.

Şukriye Anaëlle
Åžukriye Anaëlle (@guest_1082745)
November 1, 2020 02:13

Daedalus curious why did they almost not let you close it over phone? what excuse? and how did you talk them out of it? Daedalus

Daedalus (@guest_1082800)
November 1, 2020 10:37

Şukriye Anaëlle My account new ( 3 months ish) so they wanted me to talk to a banker about it. Just use COVID and you prefer not to go into a branch.

David (@guest_1058508)
September 21, 2020 11:49

7/20 – Opened new checking with $50 funding deposit (In-branch)
8/20 – Employer direct deposit $101
9/18 – “Deposit Keizer Grand Opening” $300 Posted

Cardi G
Cardi G (@guest_1051397)
September 10, 2020 00:10

Anyone else have any other datapoints on transfers that count as DD? I read through the comments, and found one reader said that Chase might have worked. Just wondering if there are any other DPs? thank you!

everythingbagel (@guest_1045396)
August 30, 2020 00:59

Here’s my experience from a local Portland resident, drove to Keizer today passing by the In-N-Out (Habit Burger is better but nearest is Seattle, WA), only 1 banker available to open accounts, waited about 10 minutes while she wrapped up with another client. Process was relatively quick and painless, about 30 minutes total for two individual accounts for my wife and I.

She didn’t ask about employment or income source probably since we didn’t apply for any cc or loan products. We brought our Oregon ID’s and major credit card for ID and verification, $5 to open savings, $50 to open checking and debit card available instantly in branch which was pretty cool. We funded with cash because funding with cc would have been processed as a cash advance. After $100 direct deposit, $300 should be deposited within 60 days then account can be closed without any penalties. We have no intentions on keeping the accounts open past the 60 day mark.

No complaints other than having to drive to Keizer, OR but we got $600 out of it, so I can’t complain. While she was opening our accounts, several people came in asking tellers about opening accounts but were told the wait is around 45 minutes-ish, part of me wondered if any of them were DoC/reddit churners? Oh yeah I asked if they plan on extending this offer again? She said NO, so if you’re considering it you have 1 day left.

FOMO (@guest_1040472)
August 21, 2020 11:15

Has anyone churned Onpoint bonus by doing different bonus offers within a relatively short period (within 1 year time between last account close and new account open)?

Recently I completed the Keizer offer twice. Once as P1/P2 join (beaverton branch open) and next for P2 (online open). Both went smoothly and were easily closed. Onpoint does not have any language in their offers around excluding folks that recently received a prior bonus or recently closed an account. I suspect that they have other safeguards which make it difficult to reopen after closing an account. The reason I had to go in branch for P1/P2 was because my initial application for P1 failed (since I had a prior closed membership is why they think I could not be approved online).

THG (@guest_1036689)
August 14, 2020 18:38

6/13: Opened
6/22: $101 pushed from Chase
8/5: $101 pushed from USAA (started to get nervous Chase wouldn’t count and only saw DP’s for bonus being paid for actual employer DD)
8/14: $300 bonus paid.

So, at least either Chase or USAA count as a DD.

Thylane Blondeau
Thylane Blondeau (@guest_1036976)
August 15, 2020 14:34

Thats great THG just curious how did you open the account? In person at the Kaizer branch or over the phone? I’m still about to open it.. but curious what’s the easiest way to open. I’m in Hood River.

THG (@guest_1037145)
August 15, 2020 23:19

I signed up when online sign up was still an option. If I was you, I would just pop in the Sherwood branch (have to make an appointment) next time you come to P town.

Michael (@guest_1036026)
August 13, 2020 19:17

Despite being open to people who have relatives that meet membership criteria, I was told that I would not be receiving the bonus since I did not live within the counties of membership, which is apparently within their ToC (probably for membership?). I complained to the rep that this didn’t match the offers of the agreement, but she said she spoke with multiple other people and was given that answer.

So I’m filing a CFPB today as a result and am hoping they resolve. Might have been an overzealous manager that told the rep that, but I didn’t feel like arguing about it any longer.

Michael (@guest_1036110)
August 13, 2020 21:15

oops, DP:
6/2: Opened
6/17: Employer $100 DD
8/2: Requirements/Criteria met
8/17: Inquired about bonus status and heard the above comment.

James (@guest_1037644)
August 17, 2020 08:02

Michael Thanks! I was wondering why my payout didn’t come….SMH

I am out of state as well.

Michael (@guest_1047586)
September 2, 2020 14:56

CFPB followed up and told me that this should be handled via NCUA, which I did so on 8/21. Received promotional credit on 9/1.

Thylane Blondeau
Thylane Blondeau (@guest_1034847)
August 12, 2020 02:06

Where are you guys getting these legit DDs right now? I thought everybody is unemployed?

Anna (@guest_1036716)
August 14, 2020 19:21

You know unemployment is a legit DD… Right?

Thylane Blondeau
Thylane Blondeau (@guest_1036719)
August 14, 2020 19:31

been waiting 3 months for application to be looked at

Brian G
Brian G (@guest_1034546)
August 11, 2020 17:49

$300 Bonus posted today with DD from employer. Opened account 6/12

Sapien (@guest_1034822)
August 12, 2020 00:42

Exact same DP here as well.

JM (@guest_1035557)
August 13, 2020 01:51

Ditto. Posted today. Employer DD.