[Expired] Walmart: 10% Off Uber Giftcards

Deal has expired, view more Walmart deals by clicking here

Update 11/27/19: Deal is back. (ht DDG)

The Offer

The Fine Print

  • Limit 2 per denomination

Our Verdict

This deal never lasts long and Walmart is known for cancelling gift card orders, but still worth trying if you value Uber gift cards. These work for UberEats as well.

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LR (@guest_850382)
November 28, 2019 09:28

Not sure if it’s widely known, but Uber gives you the option of loading $100 onto your account for $95. That, combined with a travel card like the CSR that gets 3% + back, makes the 10% gift card offers less attractive to me – especially when factoring in how much of a hassle Walmart can be.

Chucks (@guest_850356)
November 28, 2019 07:41

When the order almost inevitably gets flagged for fraud and mysteriously canceled minutes after you place it:

Dial 1800-925-6278
At the various menus, press 2-1-4-1 to get to a human who can help.
They’ll submit something and allow you to replace the order on the same device.

rfclub (@guest_850312)
November 28, 2019 01:48

bestbuy has it cheaper

DaveC (@guest_747350)
April 11, 2019 15:21

I’ve purchased 2x $100 in the past multiple times w/o cancellation. Today I was ambitious and bought 2 of each, total was $315, just saw the cancellation. So I came back on to buy less, but of course out of stock.

Matthew (@guest_747349)
April 11, 2019 15:21

Sold out again.

KenB (@guest_747229)
April 11, 2019 10:54

I usually pick these up at staples with my CIC card but if you use shop through chase + freedom unlimited you get 3.5% back plus this nice 10% off face.

Debit (@guest_747217)
April 11, 2019 10:26

How do you use coupons through ubereats?
The ubereats prices are always higher because you can’t use restaurant coupons.

Ready to get rid of my ubereats app once I cancel my platinum card.

frugalman (@guest_746819)
April 10, 2019 13:43

Not sure about the cancellation messages. I placed about my order around 1:30pm EST today (4/10) and received my order confirmation email at 1:37 pm and the 2nd email with Pin numbers at 1:40pm. The latter email’s subject is “Walmart.com – Here is your order information”. It contains the PIN numbers for you to enter in Uber app. So it is not dead. Nor did I get cancelled. I bought 2 $50 GCs and now they have already been redeemed into my account.

Ethan (@guest_746911)
April 10, 2019 16:05

Definitely not dead, but I wonder if it’s the larger purchase of two $100 gift cards that tends to trigger the cancellation. I have never not had my order cancelled on first try.

frugalman (@guest_747048)
April 10, 2019 20:28

Title need to corrected. It is NOT “[Sold out]”.

See Ethan’s curiosity on larger purchase. So just bought 2 $100 at $180 this evening. Order confirmation email received at 8:21pm and 2nd email with two pins arrived at 8:25pm (same title as I mentioned above). Immediately copy and paste into the app. Worked smoothly as this afternoon. Maybe (just my guess) those who got denied have some bad records at Walmart so the system tends to cancel the orders?

Josh (@guest_746654)
April 10, 2019 09:26

All sold out now.

Mike D
Mike D (@guest_746629)
April 10, 2019 08:38

I ordered 2 $100 Uber cards – cancelled before I got to work.