Walmart Purchases Made In Store Will Now Show On Your Online Account (Requires Linked Card)

Walmart has announced a new feature when you make a purchase in store using a credit card that is linked to your account the purchase will show up in your purchase history. Walmart states:

Thanks for your recent store purchase! We’ve added it to your purchase history. Now you can start a return, find previously purchased items and add a protection plan – all from one place.

From now on, when you make a store purchase using a credit card saved in your account, you’ll see it appear in your purchase history. You may already see store purchases from the last 12 months.

Prefer not to see store purchases? You can opt out anytime in your Account, under Communications & Privacy. If you have questions, please visit our Store Purchases FAQ.

It’s possible to opt out if you’d prefer not to see this. Not a huge deal but this is a nice little feature.

Hat tip to reader myi

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Deanna (@guest_1593607)
April 8, 2023 12:30

I just noticed today that the groceries I bought the other morning with a completely new card in store, not linked to my app, is showing EVERYTHING I purchased. Each individual item. How is this so? Someone please explain. Is Walmart using some type of facial recognition? I don’t recall agreeing to that.

Jaxk (@guest_1588447)
March 30, 2023 14:34

Cameras, artificial intelligence, facial recognition. It’s not because they have your card saved lol

Trisha (@guest_1587959)
March 29, 2023 22:03

Even stuff I’ve purchased with cash shows up on my account now. I have done it several times with cash just to see if I’m going crazy or it’s really happening and I’m definitely not going crazy…yet.

Den (@guest_1519847)
December 27, 2022 08:41

This says you have to have a linked card. I DO NOT have any cards linked to my account and in fact have all new cards but my in store purchases are still being tracked. How is this possible? I made a purchase with a brand new never used before card and immediately got an email from Walmart thanking me for my purchase and suggesting related items.

Loretta brown
Loretta brown (@guest_1452214)
September 25, 2022 08:49

Walmart iPhone 13pro I still want my items arrive on time thank you so much have a nice day bye

Froide (@guest_1057784)
September 19, 2020 08:04

Too bad Walmart doesn’t handle store purchase history based merely on store registration info, the way Best Buy and Staples do, rather than requiring members to link credit card(s) to their Walmart account. After the massive data breaches at Walmart (in 2005-2006) and Target (in 2013), hard pass on this.

Den (@guest_1519850)
December 27, 2022 08:43

I had to get new cards after having my account hacked. I never added my new card to my account and never purchased anything online from them again and yet they are still able to track purchase made in my new card. Something fishy is going on

Dubya (@guest_1056455)
September 17, 2020 01:59

Whole Foods does this too.

Evelio204 (@guest_1056029)
September 16, 2020 11:58

I wonder how this will work when they accept NFC (Google Pay, Apple Pay) since the last 4 will different than the physical card.

vc (@guest_1055898)
September 16, 2020 04:07

I’m wondering if ppl are confusing ‘recently purchased items’ with the actual breakdown of their purchase. The recently purchased items has been on the site for years. But, I did notice as early as March or April that my in-store purchase ‘receipts’ were on the site, including gc purchases.

choose fi
choose fi (@guest_1055817)
September 15, 2020 23:41

ya, i just noticed this, I just wish I could use google pay with walmart gift card w/o supervisor approval ;/

ieatdogfood (@guest_1055843)
September 16, 2020 00:31

Why not just use Walmart Pay?

Delanchet (@guest_1055937)
September 16, 2020 09:23

Yeah, Walmart Pay is actually pretty good. I’d prefer to use Apple Pay, but I don’t hate Walmart Pay. It’s very fast.