Wawa: Free Coffee For Teachers From September 2-15

The Offer

  • Teachers and school faculty can get free coffee (any size) at Wawa from September 2 – 15, 2024 by simply mentioning they are a member of a local school system.

Our Verdict

Hats off to educators for all their efforts.

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007 (@guest_1903707)
September 2, 2024 09:33

Teaches should be Teachers  William Charles  Chuck (spelling error)

Atme (@guest_1903433)
September 1, 2024 15:24

Average DoC commentor: it’s horrible that I’m excluded and they should have given out duffel bags of $100 bill instead.

Just go “nice” and move on people lol

yonghokim (@guest_1903504)
September 1, 2024 18:17

No, the average DoC commenter would have replied “nice, I was just about to apply for the faculty credit union for the sign up bonus with my “education” Sole Prop, now I can double stack. I wonder if they give LP too”

vc (@guest_1903512)
September 1, 2024 18:44

“education” Sole Prop
The double quotation marks. 🤣
I’m surprised that this site hasn’t set up a referral system for one of the “get your LLC” sites.

Paul (@guest_1903394)
September 1, 2024 13:09

Should offer alcohol instead

WawaEmployee399969 (@guest_1903805)
September 2, 2024 12:02

not all wawas have booze but all have coffee

Charles Mann
Charles Mann (@guest_1903391)
September 1, 2024 13:08

Somebody needs to return to second grade.

John M
John M (@guest_1903369)
September 1, 2024 12:13

Free Coffee For Teaches?
Verdict: interesting!