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Eric (@guest_1487874)
November 14, 2022 20:21

 William Charles  Chuck

I just want to make sure that you didn’t miss this comment from Anuj. This $200 WF offer expires on 12.31.22.

Jewel (@guest_1358909)
April 5, 2022 12:34

Ally push coded as DD.

Dave (@guest_1346830)
March 12, 2022 19:20

Wells locked my account for trying to push funds to an external bank.
Took a long time on hold to get someone who would fix that.
Closed the account after retrieving my funds.

Acid Bath
Acid Bath (@guest_1343165)
March 5, 2022 12:18

Anyone get a 1099 for 2021? I did NOT.
However, I got one from Wells in my snail mail the year before (2020) for $400.

What is weird is that when I log into my account, go to Tax Documents, and select 2021 and 2020, both say:
“You have no tax documents for the selected year.
You may not be receiving them for accounts that have less than the reportable amount of interest earned or interest paid. Please visit our FAQs for more information.”

never mind
never mind (@guest_1343488)
March 5, 2022 20:39

I got mine for a snail mail $700 deal

Jun (@guest_1324047)
January 31, 2022 16:52

I have chase as my main bank and hub. I was thinking of closing chase, wait 90 days while I do wells fargo, and then open chase and close wells fargo. Think its worth it?

All I gotta do is submit autopay for all 30 of my credit cards lol.

NT (@guest_1324066)
January 31, 2022 17:23

I’d personally do it. It depends on how much you value that Chase bonus. Is the payoff worth that hassle to you? I also saw that wells is at $300 bonus now.

Mandingo1 (@guest_1320338)
January 24, 2022 04:32

Wells Fargo $200 promo Everyday Checking

10/21/21 – Account opened

1/20/22 – $200 bonus

Chase checking push and Discover savings push still code as direct deposits

Joe (@guest_2013393)
February 27, 2025 15:53

I got the bonus two days ago. $1025.00 transfer from Chase in early December was the only money I put in the account. Just remember to use Standard Transfer, NOT INSTANT.

AllenW (@guest_1319581)
January 21, 2022 17:34

10-6 – Opened
10-7 – $1K Push Real DD (brex)
1-5 – $200 Bonus

I noticed we can now close online thru the portal. Will keep it open for a few more months though.

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_1319608)
January 21, 2022 18:46

AllenW I’m not seeing that option to close. Where is it?

I zeroed mine over a week ago and have been procrastinating about the call. I was able to lock the debit card only. IIRC they close with a zero balance after two weeks, so was testing that DP too.

AllenW (@guest_1319618)
January 21, 2022 18:59

Accounts – Manage Accounts – Close an Account

To get started online, your checking or savings account must have a $0.00 balance and no interest earned. If your account has a positive or negative balance, follow the instructions below. You may also want to review our account closure common questions.

On Desktop, worked great for P2’s account.

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_1319621)
January 21, 2022 19:04

Yeah, I found it about a minute ago. Worked. Takes about 4 pages of agreeing and confirming.

The last screen says this:
What to expect now that your account is closed
Your final statement will be sent to your mailing address provided above.
You can view your account information online for 90 days after your account is closed.
If the account you’re closing is the first of multiple accounts on your statement, you have 90 days to access and download online documents for all accounts on the combined statement.

 William Charles  Chuck You can add the DP to

WF can be closed from online banking, desktop edition. I didn’t look to see if the app has it.

Jolly (@guest_1383158)
May 19, 2022 08:51

Confirming this worked perfectly for me as well.

NT (@guest_1422159)
August 9, 2022 10:08

The option is available via app thru menu>account services>close an account. I haven’t tried it but I did stumble across the option.

Frito Pendejo
Frito Pendejo (@guest_2009429)
February 21, 2025 11:37

The link to Close an Account goes to an error page for me, and I can’t find any Chat option nor SM option in WF desktop site. Seems like the only option left is phone call

Tomtoo (@guest_1446668)
September 16, 2022 13:15

Worked for me.

Burnout1749 (@guest_1553067)
February 9, 2023 03:42

I wonder if it’s poor or excellent web design on WF’s part.

AR (@guest_1633680)
June 13, 2023 11:44

Can confirm that this still works. However, I did not see this option in the app, only the desktop site.


Tom (@guest_1912946)
September 16, 2024 18:18

This still works!
0 Balance -> Accounts -> Manage Accounts > Close an Account

HarryTheFirstHarry (@guest_1422122)
August 9, 2022 08:37

Thanks for this information. Worked for me. Easy as 1-2-3 and no human intervention needed. Just 0 it out and its done….if only all banks could be closed this way.

AllenW (@guest_1422150)
August 9, 2022 09:36

No problem 🙂

Playingwithfiber (@guest_1975425)
December 27, 2024 10:20

I tried using the automatic “close account” but got the message that it could not be closed online. No idea why since the balance was zero and it didn’t earn interest.

I used the chat box and just said I preferred to close it via chat versus a phone call and they did it without pushing back.

AllenW (@guest_1975457)
December 27, 2024 12:06

Are you worried the bonus not posting by cancelling early?

I will definitely keep the chat bot in mind.

Tony (@guest_1311007)
January 7, 2022 12:06

bonus was credited, and current balance is $750. What’s easiest way of closing?

never mind
never mind (@guest_1311018)
January 7, 2022 12:14

I called their 800# and after 20 minutes on hold and another 10 of them trying to change my mind they are sending me a check

Mine was $700 for $25k for 60 days

Tony (@guest_1311058)
January 7, 2022 12:40

TY 4info. What if I withdraw $750, leaving $0.00 balance. And call same day; what do u think?

never mind
never mind (@guest_1311529)
January 7, 2022 23:59

I did not ask that specifically because I feared incurring a fee for going below $500 but I suspect you could walk in a branch and do the same thing

I did that with a Regions deal a few years ago and the teller could not do it- I had to talk to a manager- thankfully he was not busy so I did not have to wait

I deposited $25500 and left it all in there until my bonus posted- they I pulled out $25750 leaving $500

But I am not sure if I would have incurred a few for going below $500 or not- I just feared it as I recall others saying wells will hit you with fees if they can

I probably did not have to send the extra $500 and leave it in there the entire time but I did that because I saw someone else did that in a comment section of a different website

I think I chose “everyday checking” as my checking and I think I recalled it required a $500 minimum to avoid fees

All in all I am very glad to get the $750 even though I lost some interest along the way as my wells account did not pay any

I did also save $5 on my safe deposit box last year- but I may be closing that this year
I think I misplaced one key and could not get a straight answer as to how much that will cost me when I asked a few years ago- I think its going to be expensive

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_1311282)
January 7, 2022 16:39

The “easiest” way to close is to wait for statement close date, then zero the account, and WF closes in two weeks of a zero balance. Of course, you should verify online that it is closed.

If you are going to call, wait until all transfers have cleared (no longer showing pending transfers in online banking).

ChubbySnorlax (@guest_1321703)
January 26, 2022 18:38

i sent a secure message to them to have my account close after withdrew my money from the account

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_1321708)
January 26, 2022 18:51

Are you sure that was at WF? They do not have the option to send an SM anymore.

But, from desktop online banking, you can close it yourself with a zero balance.

From menu, Accounts > Manage Accounts > Close an Account Tony

ChubbySnorlax (@guest_1326067)
February 3, 2022 21:47

i did it by going to Customer Services>Checking & Savings> scroll down and look for “Sign on to send a secure email”

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_1326091)
February 3, 2022 22:31

That option is not showing up for me… phone, mail, or visit a branch is what I see.

Apparently, they do have a secure message portal, but I just tried to set up my login and it doesn’t work, and I never get the confirmation code to reset the password. That makes me think it only works if Wells Fargo sent you documents in the past.

But as I said, you can close your checking account in a few seconds now (with zero balance) from your own desktop online banking log-in without involving CS.

Davis (@guest_1309010)
January 4, 2022 13:31

Expired too

Davis (@guest_1309009)
January 4, 2022 13:30

20/06/01: Closed account (legacy account)
20/06/08: Opened account
20/09/08: Bonus
20/11/17: Closed account
21/10/05: Opened account
21/10/14: $1000 push from Ally
22/01/04: $200 Bonus

Dan (@guest_1328737)
February 9, 2022 10:37

Davis can you confirm if you saw: ALLY BANK P2P which actually counted as a DD?

Davis (@guest_1328738)
February 9, 2022 10:39

Yes. Turn on emails about direct deposit and you’ll get it when an Ally push occurs