Wells Fargo Ordered To Pay $3.7 Billion For Mismanagement Of Auto Loans, Mortgages & Deposit Accounts

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has ordered Wells Fargo to pay $3.7 billion for widespread mismanagement of auto loans, mortgages and deposit accounts. $1.7 billion will be paid as a fine to CFPB’s Civil Penalty Fund and an additional $2 billion will be paid to 16 million affected consumer accounts.

CFPB found that Wells Fargo repeatedly misapplied loan payments, wrongfully foreclosed on homes, illegally repossessed vehicles, incorrectly assessed fees and interest, charged surprise overdraft fees. The $2 billion paid to affected customers is broken down as follows:

  • $1.3+ billion  for affected auto lending accounts.
  • $500+ million  for affected deposit accounts, including $205 million for illegal surprise overdraft fees.
  • Almost $200 million  for affected mortgage servicing accounts.

CFPB has previously fined Wells Fargo $185 for illegally opening accounts (in addition to a $142 million class action settlement).


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Josh (@guest_1521644)
December 29, 2022 12:06

I received a $50 cashiers check for a long lost account I closed (well, like 2-3 years ago maybe). Could this be it?

Wenerfer Lee
Wenerfer Lee (@guest_1520244)
December 27, 2022 19:14

I hope they don’t forget me because I did had a check account and a save account so please give me, my share my address is 160 Melrose Street Apt 6 Winder Georgia 30680

Ali (@guest_1520177)
December 27, 2022 17:22

Whatever you do, just font get the BILT card,…..another scam

bindarb4 (@guest_1518577)
December 25, 2022 14:39

The question is….why is WF……a documented, proven, corrupt and unethical financial institution that has been fined billions in the past and that has shown no interest in reforming and to abide by the law still allowed to do business. Furthermore,why isn’t the entire WF senior management team in jail and their wealth confiscated for reparations. No doubt the billions in fines will be recouped quickly through increase banking fees posed on the folks who can least afford it.

Al (@guest_1529776)
January 9, 2023 19:17

Aren’t them Corrupt All? Isn’t Chase / The Morgan Stanley the biggest of them Corrupt Too?!
The bank that with all those fraudulent loans made millions of Americans bankrupt and made them lose their homes in 2005 – 2006. But what happened at the end ? The US government Bush and Obama Bailed Them Out !! Yes People Lost their homes but the biggest and wealthiest bank in the country got the blank check and let go !!
If that doesn’t show who are the real corrupts in this country, then what shows ?
” America , The best democracy money can buy ! “

John M
John M (@guest_1518403)
December 25, 2022 07:04

A pirate that owns a bank? Wells Farrrrrrgo.

steve (@guest_1518172)
December 24, 2022 17:27

Seriously dont know why anyone would do biz with them, but then supposedly 84M voted for Biden.

A man
A man (@guest_1518339)
December 25, 2022 02:02

I know right! Wells was an American institution, just like Christianity. Nowadays, Christianity just means bowing to a Russian dictator and sleeping with a pornstar while your wife is pregnant.

steeeee (@guest_1518351)
December 25, 2022 03:15

those against biden typically don’t like CFPB.. or?

John M
John M (@guest_1518385)
December 25, 2022 05:57

I voted for Kamala. Biden just happened to be on the ticket.

vince (@guest_1518862)
December 25, 2022 23:58

people almost fell for this.

Babblespeak (@guest_1518512)
December 25, 2022 12:35

And millions of people also post false equivalency garbage on the internet. Fools everywhere, huh?

Peter (@guest_1518568)
December 25, 2022 14:25

Over/under on the number of times you’ve used this tiresome joke since the election?

Ruven Pinkhasov
Ruven Pinkhasov (@guest_1520012)
December 27, 2022 13:21

Thanks for showing how stupid you are to everyone.

Not Mike
Not Mike (@guest_1518048)
December 24, 2022 11:29

All the more reason to take them for a bonus ride as often as possible.

Mark (@guest_1518035)
December 24, 2022 10:25

Old news….this is a total number from the 6 years of investigations. It actually signals the end of that chapter.

thejesse (@guest_1518290)
December 24, 2022 23:04

Not exactly old news. Some of these violations continued even as they negotiated with the CFPB. From the Consent Order:
“9. Incorrectly applied payments and payment processing problems: From at
least 2011 through 2022, Respondent incorrectly applied or processed
many borrowers’ auto-loan payments…”
“14. Repossession-related errors: : From at least 2011 through 2022… For example, Respondent repossessed vehicles despite the
borrower having made a payment or entering into an agreement to forestall
the repossession.”
“44…Respondent implemented a process to stop charging Authorized-Positive
Overdraft Fees on consumer debit card purchases in March 2022”

Sam (@guest_1517908)
December 24, 2022 00:08

Wells Fargo was pretty awesome this year kicking out the $2000 bank bonuses, awesome bank, no complaints here

escot (@guest_1517902)
December 23, 2022 23:41

“We’llgoFar” with your money…. What happens when regulators asleep at the switch permitted/fostered one massive bank merger after another. We’llGoFar seemed to lose its way after they swallowed whole the former SE US king of banking greed and arrogance, which we’uns he’uh in Hoo’ville U. long dissed as “Walk’allovia”…. (aka wachovia)