Why You Should Add An Email and Website Link To Your Doctorofcredit Comments

When leaving a comment on Doctorofcredit, there are a number of fields to fill:

  • Name – this field is required, though you can use a pen name if you don’t want to use your real name.
  • Email – this field is optional. Your email is completely private and not visible to anyone on the site other than Doctorofcredit staff. We never give out email addresses of any readers for any reason (yes, we’ve been asked to do so and refused). You can also create a dedicated email address to use for commenting if you want to keep your personal email entirely separate from your online persona. After leaving your email address once, it should auto-populate the next time based on browser cookies.
    • The advantage of adding an email address to your comments is that all your comments track together and your comment history will be visible to readers on the site. Again, the email address is not visible, but WordPress combines all comments from the same email and shows your comment history which gives other readers a feeling for your DoC history. Click the ‘i’ button next at the top-right of any comment to see the reader’s comment history.
    • Also, having a comment history allows your comments to get more easily auto-approved by the system.
  • Website – you can leave a website link if you have a blog site or business website. Or you can leave your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit handle, etc. as your ‘website’. This will be publicly available to all readers as your Name will become a clickable link and will lead to your website.
    • Adding your website can be a way of increasing your online visibility. It also helps others readers connect to you. For example, someone might notice that you are an expert on a certain deal which they are working on as well, and the two of you can connect via your website contact page or via your Twitter messages, etc.
    • Also notable is the topic of referrals – there are many special offers available via referral, yet lots of readers don’t really know other churners personally. If you have a website link it makes it easier for other readers to connect with you and request or offer referrals. We often create referral threads on Doctorofcredit for this purpose, but sometimes we can’t or don’t want to do so. Also, it’s often better to have a personal connection to the person who referred you since deals sometimes require your knowing the person, and sometimes companies will ask for verification of the person who referred you in the event it didn’t track properly or for other reasons. If you connect directly with the referrer it can help with these sorts of issues.
    • Numerous readers have created a dedicated website specifically for the sake of referrals where they list all their referral links. There’s usually a contact option there as well if you want to reach out to them directly. If you are ever looking for a referral link on a specific deal, you can try clicking on the Name field in DoC comments to find these reader’s referral sites or to connect with readers outside the site via their own website, Twitter handle, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Image – you can have your picture or any other avatar of your choosing follow you around the web when you comment on WordPress sites, more details on that process in this dedicated post.

(Update: one added note – feel free to comment below with your website in the comment. Just write ‘test’ or ‘website’ in the body of the comment and your website will be clickable from the Name field. We can use the comments here as a board for everyone to leave their websites and to find that of others as well.)

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msky (@guest_1983528)
January 11, 2025 21:51


John Schneider
John Schneider (@guest_1949975)
November 12, 2024 21:52


Josh (@guest_1944465)
November 4, 2024 18:10

Test 1234…

DS (@guest_1928288)
October 8, 2024 15:34

Hello test

DS (@guest_1928287)
October 8, 2024 15:34


RZ (@guest_1859946)
June 14, 2024 20:31


John (@guest_1853098)
May 31, 2024 17:18


Alex (@guest_1840927)
May 6, 2024 18:27


Alex (@guest_1840933)
May 6, 2024 18:33

Test again

JK (@guest_1830844)
April 14, 2024 19:05


Josh (@guest_1830843)
April 14, 2024 19:05
