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Xander (@guest_1474192)
October 27, 2022 17:02

Offer also can appear in your Chase online login, I got a notification on the top left flag icon that I was preapproved for both Ink Cash and Unlimited with a $900 bonus there. Doesn’t seem to appear in my “Just for you” offers, just in the notification area. YMMV, I have a Chase Business checking account, so that may be related.
EDIT: Looks like the offer is actually just public now. (I was able to get it to work in Incognito at least, again, YMMV, it seems inconsistent.)

Mike (@guest_1473612)
October 26, 2022 21:34

Is the max referral points you can earn, 100,000 across all three ink cards or is it 100,000 max referral for each ink card? Hope someone can answer it.

October 26, 2022 22:45

I believe each card is separate

Chris (@guest_1472749)
October 25, 2022 20:27

Data point. I messaged chase and asked for a match to the 90k offer. I’m halfway through spend on my ink cash. They said they would match and for me to reply back once I hit the spend!

Just messaged on my wife’s card, who recently received the 75k bonus, and will update once we hear back.

Ben (@guest_1473051)
October 26, 2022 09:31

On the Ink Cash, even though the increased bonus is on the Ink Unlimited?

Chris (@guest_1473846)
October 27, 2022 08:10

You’re right it’s the unlimited card. My bad!

They granted my wife the extra 15k on her recent 75k bonus on her unlimited.

el (@guest_1479494)
November 3, 2022 23:49

what was the original offer 75k for $4k spend?

Uki (@guest_1472201)
October 25, 2022 05:52

Went to a branch yesterday, 20k per yr business income, new business 1 yr old, have 6 personal chase cards over 50k limit among them, approved for the minimum 3k limit on INK CASH. Tried to increase CL, THEY ASKED FOR A SECOND HARD PULL, I let them do it because I know multiple inquiries on the same bureaus in the same day only count as one pull. Didn’t get the increase, have to wait for the letter, but I did get the card approved for 3k. Nevada, in branch, both 900$ offers poped up, decided on the better card (inc cash)aldough they target me for yrs for bus unlimited.
New business profile was created aldough I had the old one

aram (@guest_1472007)
October 24, 2022 21:43

I have an old ink plus already, went to the branch in Manhattan, pulled the business profile, and there was no preapproval, banker clicked to the regular branch offers, and only 100K/$15K was available, no 90K offer. Any trick to get it in the branch?

Uki (@guest_1473193)
October 26, 2022 13:12

New business profile

Novacat05 (@guest_1471611)
October 24, 2022 12:06

Pulled the trigger on this via the regular website offer. I did try a referral from my CIC for this card, I’m sure it won’t work, but who knows. P2 draws the line at small business offers. 90k UR for $6k spend is a pretty sweet deal, not quite as good as the amazing 120k(w/ referral) CSP last year for only $4 spend, but fairly close.

To my surprise I was approved instantly, $5500 limit. I am 2/24, already have a CIC with $5k limit that is 18 months old. CIU immediately showed up on my business login, already sent an SM asking to match the 90k/$6k offer. My Fidelity 2% card is my daily driver for non category spend, so I’ll be closing this card out after a year, 1.5% does absolutely nothing for me.

Sole Prop, $5500 annual income, selling stuff on ebay/etsy, etc. >3 years, used SSN.

Raylan (@guest_1471669)
October 24, 2022 13:39

Were you granted the match?

Novacat05 (@guest_1472270)
October 25, 2022 09:08

Just got a response. Seems like I have to send an SM again once I complete the spend. Sure hope they still honor it then and the in-branch offer is still going on. At least I have their response in writing.

The offer you requested was 90,000 bonus points
(equivalent to $900.00) after you spend $7,500.00 on
purchases in the first 3 months your account is open.

, our records show that you have not met the
spending requirement yet. Once you meet the required
spend, please reply to this email to claim the offer.
We’ll post the original bonus points to your account
within six to eight weeks after the billing cycle in which
you qualify.

You’ll be eligible as long as:
– You have not received a new cardmember bonus for this
card in the past 24 months.
– Your account is open and not in default when we post
the bonus.

Timed this so I can do a property tax and homeowners insurance payments to knock out a large chunk of the spend, and 0% for a year is nice too since I can actually earn a little bit of interest on that money that would have been used to pay off monthly balances. I’ll make min payments for 360 days then pay it off in full. Since this is a biz card the high credit utilization doesn’t even affect my personal credit. I have never carried a balance in 20+ years, but this is a rare instance where doing so pays off, I also took advantage of that with my CIC last year.

Daniel K
Daniel K (@guest_1472739)
October 25, 2022 20:05

I just applied for a new Chase Ink card, my second this year. Was going to SM for the matching offer, but then I saw your response from them included: “– You have not received a new cardmember bonus for this card in the past 24 months.” Don’t want to temp the churning gods, so guess I’ll just accept the usual 75k points.

Ben (@guest_1473050)
October 26, 2022 09:31

FWIW, I once got the above message when asking to be matched and then emailed once I met the spend and the points quickly posted.

Chuck (@guest_1474518)
October 28, 2022 05:25

Just so I understand correctly, you applied for the CIC using your own referral link from the CIU for 75k/7.5k before the 90k/6k offer was public, and then contacted Chase via SM to have them match the now public offer?
I’m actually curious to know if the referral bonus will also hit your account (also assuming chase grants the match on the new offer)… That would be a massive double-dip win if that is the case!

Novacat05 (@guest_1476391)
October 31, 2022 11:31

Yes, just swap CIC and CIU. Not expecting to get the referral, but worth a shot.

I did SM them before the public offer, and they said 90k after $7500 spend, not $6000 spend. Wonder if that was a mistake by them. Once I hit $6k I’ll SM them again and see if they can match the full 90k points. Still waiting eagerly for my card(approved on 10/24) as I have some immediate spend for some bills that will arrive any day, and taxes due before the 10th.

ieatdogfood (@guest_1505188)
December 8, 2022 21:21

Did your self referral work?

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt (@guest_1471535)
October 24, 2022 09:51

Annual fee?

Uki (@guest_1472202)
October 25, 2022 05:56


daisy (@guest_1471074)
October 23, 2022 08:25

data point: went to the branch yesterday and approved for ink unlimited with $6000 credit line. credit score 818 and business is rental with $24k revenue. the whole process took 40 minutes, no intense question was asked. I am 3/24 before chase ink.

I was pre-approved for all ink cards before the banker submitted my application.

FlyerDad (@guest_1470995)
October 23, 2022 01:34

I have a Chase Ink Unlimited from a couple of years ago. If I close it out or downgrade, how long would I have to wait before applying for a new one (and specifically, this offer)? Thanks.

daisy (@guest_1470468)
October 21, 2022 21:31

I think it is a hot deal, why not many comments?

Blorb (@guest_1471610)
October 24, 2022 12:00

Greatness can often speak for itself I guess 😛