(YMMV) Chase INK Preferred 100,000, Approvals Past-5/24

A reader reports having been approved for the new Chase INK Preferred 100,000 bonus, despite being over the typical 5/24 approval limit. There are some other reports, data points, and discussions about this as well in the blogosphere.

We’ve written about similar phenomena with regards to prior increased Chase INK offers and the Sapphire Preferred offer. Dansdeals suggests that the easiest approvals often align with thee start or end of a new best ever offer. More generally, it might also be part of any special or increased offer, with Chase making a push for approvals on a particular card.

YMMV. Certainly many will still get hit by the 5/24 denial. And yet it seems there is some chance. Someone who doesn’t care much about the hard pull can easily lob in an application.

Update 7/14/23: MEAB mentions a few interesting exceptions to the 5/24 rule, possibly the reports of approvals are all falling within these guidelines:

  1. Ink Preferred online applications with offers of 90,000 points or more bypass 5/24 if you’ve got a good relationship with Chase but aren’t above 8/24
  2. Ink Preferred in-branch applications bypass 5/24 if you’ve got a good relationship with Chase
  3. Ink Preferred mailers sent via USPS with a promotion code bypass 5/24 consistently
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Stone (@guest_1708142)
October 3, 2023 15:17

What’s the recon phone# for biz card? I called 8004539719, auto beside status check, rep. simply told to wait for 7-10 days in writing. Thanks,

Yana (@guest_1684719)
September 2, 2023 11:36

I’m at 5/24 and was approved instantly.

I have two other inks I applied for earlier this year. Both have balanced (0% APR) that come ins at about 8k.

Lakers (@guest_1681256)
August 27, 2023 15:01

Can you downgrade after one yr?

Sam (@guest_1666343)
August 4, 2023 16:38

Just got approved instantly with a 5k limit. Im at 5/24. I lowered my credit line from another card to make “room” for this one since I already was at over 50% of my income. This is the 4th ink I have been approved for at 5/24. Two inks have a balance at 0 APR. Good luck everyone!

Anthony C.
Anthony C. (@guest_1668238)
August 7, 2023 17:55

Nice! Congrats! I’m debating if I should apply. I’m at 6/24

JW (@guest_1657678)
July 21, 2023 10:10

5/24. 2x recon and no luck getting approved. Hopefully the offer is still around for a few months when I fall back below.

JP (@guest_1657659)
July 21, 2023 08:55

Applied 7/20 and application went to pending and then denied. I’m 6/24. They said denied due to too many recent accounts and insufficient business deposit relationship with Chase.

M (@guest_1656455)
July 18, 2023 20:12

5pm Applied for CIP, got pending status
Read that chase merges multiple hard inquiries if done one same day
11pm pst applied for CIC, denied
2 separate hard inquiries showing up on experian
Called recon and offered to move existing credit for both cards
Got approved for both!

Chase says that I applied for CIC on 07/18, they might be on east coast time so counted as next day. Sad about the extra hard inquiry but glad it didn’t go to waste 😁

willj (@guest_1656837)
July 19, 2023 13:21

How did you go about recon? Just applied, went pending and then denied, and called in once I got the letter. The agent said there was no way to get the application reviewed.

M (@guest_1656938)
July 19, 2023 17:29

i called the day after, before receiving a physical letter; try calling again for a second review? They transferred me to the lending dept

Bob (@guest_1656350)
July 18, 2023 17:11

Can you refer to a CIP from a CIU or CIC? My referral link brings up all the Ink cards, but the CIP is semi-greyed out but doesn’t say explicitly why or if the referral applies.

ShawntheShawn (@guest_1657266)
July 20, 2023 11:44

Yes, you can. Just click the dot or the right arrow in the middle to rotate the cards. Bob

Kristal (@guest_1673738)
August 16, 2023 23:43

Thank you SO much ! I came here looking for this. Glad I found my answer.

jojomojo (@guest_1656215)
July 18, 2023 13:04

What determines a “good relationship?” Just that my accounts are in good standing?

Sazadur (@guest_1655418)
July 17, 2023 11:28

Applied on 07/13 and received message saying “We’ll review your Chase Ink Business Preferred® credit card application and be in touch soon”.
Got approval email on 07/17 without taking any action from my end.
I have 2 personal chase cards and another ink biz card which was approved 03/2023. Previously closed one ink biz card couple years ago.