Last month, Citi removed the secure message feature for Citi card, with the goal of moving everyone over to chat instead. Reader MJS reached out that Citi now brought back the secure message center: login to your Citicards account > go to Contact Us (bottom of page) > ‘Read Messages in Secure Message Center’ and it’ll pull up the full secure message option which you can use to send or read messages.
I’m not seeing the option, perhaps because I don’t have any messages to read (“We’re sorry. We don’t have any more messages for you.”), but those who have messages will/might see the secure message option. Let us know.
Other possible options:
- Citi checking customers can still access secure message for their cards in the login as well.
- There used to be a workaround to use the credit limit increase function to bring up the secure message option which could then be used for any message. I can’t seem to get that to work anymore, maybe something changed.
Citi SM is temporarily back. Subject line options are restricted to COVID issues, but at least it’s available right now
Yes, I have had that option even when others reported SM being removed. Under any saved message, there’s a “new message” button. I SM’ed to ask for 15K more miles for AA mailer and got a positive response in 2 says.
I did have a checking account in the past for the new bank account bonus but it has been closed for at least 6 months.
It was working a couple weeks ago for me, didn’t even have to do backdoor trick. Perhaps only working if you have checking account?
Yep, noted in the post.
For what it’s worth (I was the one who tipped off Doc), I can still see the message I sent in the saved messages folder, and it will still let me send new messages. This was NOT available to me last night, so I thought maybe something happened overnight (or someone is asleep for Christmas LOL).
The other thing interesting, is that it gives me like 15 category options for my credit card subject, where before the “backdoor” way to send a SM only used to show like 4 or 5.
My guess is it’s a glitch, but it probably doesn’t hurt to request an offer match via both a SM and a Chat if you have both options.
From the comments, it seems at least some others are getting it too.
Last week when I sent a message, I got a phone call from a rep saying they had no way of responding except to call. For what it’s worth she also said they are removing all possible ways to send a message soon.
Yup, works for me.
Good news…I am on a citi aa offèr for 50k miles after $3k spend. What is the best aa offèr to àsk to be matched?
100k. 120k if you ask nicely
Is that true?
I was able to send an SM, as I’m also a CitiBank customer, but haven’t received a response for days.
Matched to 70k (60k after $3k spend & 10k extra after $6k in total)
So they eventually responded in SM?
I don’t think this is them bringing it back. I think it’s a backdoor method to (sometimes) be able to send an SM; this was first mentioned back when they took it away last month.
True, probably not the best-worded title.
How have people gone about closing their Citi cards without calling in? I have a citi AA card i need to close and don’t want to call in
Don’t want to call in or just don’t want to talk to a human? If you call in, you can have the Citi automated phone system do the cancelling for you, never talking to a human.
I was able to close accounts via chat