Update 3/30/21: Deal is back with subject line ‘Your chance at a spring surprise awaits’
The Offer
No direct link to offer, e-mail subject line is ‘Your chance at a holiday gift awaits‘
- Click the bird in the e-mail and get a free $5 Microsoft gift card
The Fine Print
- Valid for 90 days after redeeming
- While supplies last
Our Verdict
We’ve seen quite a few of these offers lately, not sure if you can stack these gift cards or not but $5 is $5.
Post history:
- Update 12/10/20: Deal is back this time subject line is ‘Your chance at a holiday gift awaits’.
Still works, just claimed mine!!
If you have no idea what to buy, they are running a weekly special for $4.99 movies, with 41 selections currently, the selections are supposed to refresh every Tuesday, check back next week if nothing interest you.
Got it this time.
Other e-mail subject is: “Your chance at a spring surprise awaits”. Here’s the screenshot of what to click from the email: https://imgur.com/vaYU2E1
Got this one. It was sitting in my trash..
I’ve been waiting all pandemic for some of these GCs and when they release them in relatively quick succession, I miss out! 🙁
Wow, I was the only one to comment last time? Unfortunately, didn’t open the email (received 11am PT/2pm PT) until now… and all the gifts are gone. Cute penguin waving though. (6:40pm PT/9:40pm ET)
Finally got this one, but no longer available.