Did anyone happen to take a screenshot of this promo? I’m in a dispute with Postmates over this not working, and they keep asking me for a screenshot. Thanks in advance!
RiskandReward (@guest_1205536)
June 12, 2021 19:20
This promo can work, but you have to use it right away and not save for later. If you save it, it won’t apply to future orders.
Blind Squirrel (@guest_1202142)
June 7, 2021 14:17
Works in Miami
Igor (@guest_1202022)
June 7, 2021 10:33
It works in locations
Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Orange County, Inland Empire, Ventura
Chrom (@guest_1201914)
June 7, 2021 01:39
Was able to add to my account in Portland, but not able redeem unless I order from a LA area location.
How the hell do I use it
Did anyone happen to take a screenshot of this promo? I’m in a dispute with Postmates over this not working, and they keep asking me for a screenshot. Thanks in advance!
This promo can work, but you have to use it right away and not save for later. If you save it, it won’t apply to future orders.
Works in Miami
It works in locations
Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Orange County, Inland Empire, Ventura
Was able to add to my account in Portland, but not able redeem unless I order from a LA area location.
It works in OC. Hooray!!!!!!
Dear Kenny,
Thanks for notifying us! We will stop sending out future promotions by filtering out whose first name is Jordan.
Best regards,
Go fuck yourself, Daniel! CFPB incoming!!
Just worked in the DC area
Only for LA area
Worked for me Lansing Michigan