Deal has ended, view more Robinhood deals by clicking here.
Update 10/11/24: Another round of targeted offers has been sent out. Valid 10/8 – 10/22
Update 9/12/24: Previously this was a targeted deal for to entice people to join Robinhood Gold. Now some existing Gold members are seeing this offer in the app. It’s valid 9/11/24 – 9/25/24; full details at this Robinhood link. It’s possible that not all Gold members are seeing this; it might be targeted. (ht AllwaysLearning22)
Update 8/27/24: Deal is back. Hat tip to reader Vince. Some people are seeing a better offer for $125 this time around.
The Offer
Direct Link to offer (keep in mind not everyone is eligible; you must see this offer in app to be eligible)
Some people are seeing in their Robinhood alerts the following deal:
- Get $100 (others got $50) for doing the following
- Join Robinhood Gold and keep it through September 23, 2024
- Deposit $2,000 or more in your individual account by August 23, 2024
- Claim your bonus by October 23, 2024
Our Verdict
Looks like an easy-ish deal if targeted. I’m not seeing any holding period for the $2,000, so this should be an easy-ish way of netting $100 or $50 (depending on your offer details).
Hat tip to Bockrr
Finally got through to a chat agent by letting it sit overnight and jumping on it when one came on; twice actually, the first time I missed it and they ended the chat after a minute or two. Chatted with support on 12/12 and got the $200 credit 12/13.
So after promising me the bonus initially and then confirming I met the requirements, they are now refusing to pay out. Think I might have to file a complaint which is too bad because so far things were going well with RH.
Hmm, what about the Twitter CS page? Maybe that’d go different?
Interestingly, they denied my bonus despite promising it, but on p2’s account with the exact same situation they honored it….
I’m reaching out again and now highlighting the fact that it was honored for P2 with the same circumstances. Frustrating because I have screenshots of the chats of them confirming the offer was met on my account and bonus would be paid. Conveniently, I noticed they delete chat history.
Adding a data point: got a targeted email – “$150 for $2000” investment.
Funded on 9/23. $150 posted on 10/26.
Lost it all (so far) – because I didn’t just keep the fund, but invested it in high-volatility instruments. Loss would be deeper without the bonus, lol. But – HODLing!
Thank you to everyone here, awesome community! Real help and to-the-point information for those of us coming with barely a shirt out of lawless misandrist Family Courts.
Has anyone else been getting ghosted by Robinhood chat recently? They used to respond to me very quickly (within 5 minutes). For the past couple weeks the chat request just hangs for hours. Anyone else?
Yup. The $200 didn’t post so I tried chat twice, 1st attempt hung for several hours and my second (during biz hours) is at 2
My 2nd Robinhood Gold payment posted recently. Did everyone cancel Gold and withdraw? With $1k in interest free, it seems like a no brainer but wanted to get everyone else’s thoughts.
Terms state you have to keep Gold & bonus in for a year
Ah, that’s right — thanks for the reminder. Going to cancel gold after 12 months, and keep the money in there. What are you currently invested in with the cash? I have it in SGOV which includes the $2K deposit and $1k in interest-free.
Personally I’m taking it out once I get the $200. Would rather have the cash over 7.5%ish APY. SGOV seems solid though
So.. what about the terms? Lol.
Terms don’t say you have to keep the 2k for a year, just the reward & a Gold subscription. At least mine didn’t
When did you open yours? I think mine said the same. They did have 2 offers with 2 different terms (but same offers)
between August and September I believe.
$200 posted instantly once I submitted the $2000 transfer.
Just wanted to report for the round where it said it would pay out by October 26th, I got paid out. Make sure you log into the app because you actually have to claim it. I only kept the 2000 in there for a few days after it settled. Great deal since I already had Robinhood and didn’t have to waste a chex pull or anything.
Now if they would just invite me to their darn card already…
Did you get an email? I didn’t get the $100 payout for the $2k deposit on this recent October run. I contacted customer service and they are supposedly going to look into it though.
Also didn’t receive for the October 26th $100/2K round. Support said I should receive it by the end of today.
Any update? I still haven’t seen anything from them on my account and P2s despite their promises that we were eligible and met the requirements.
How do you claim it? If I recall from round one they sent an email and I clicked through.
This $200 offer popped out when I logged into app but I was unable to deposit $2000 right away so I clicked later, but strangely I couldn’t find this offer anymore in the app . Anyone experienced this? Will I still get $200 if I don’t deposit through the offer link?
Check for an email, maybe your spam box too. I got a few emails as well as the push notification. From the terms though, it doesn’t seem like you have click directly through anything:
I got the offer for $200 bonus with $2,00 Deposit. However, I need to keep Gold for one year, and will not be able to withdraw the bonus until after 1 year…
Yes keep $2000 in the account to get $7.5 interest per month. It can cover the $5 fee..
I got the same offer and transferred in my money. The $200 bonus appears right away in your account once you sign up for Robinhood Gold and do a transfer in of $2000+.
$2000 earns 4.5% apy interest + 0.5% apy deposit bonus = $8.33/mo
$200 bonus earns 4.5% apy interest = $0.75/mo
Robinhood Gold fee = $5/mo
Total earned in a year with $2000 deposit = $247.76 or $20.645/mo or 12.4% apy
The $5*12 fee isn’t tax deductible so $308 is the taxable amount instead of 247 unfortunately.
Got 200. Can I just cancel the gold membership ?
FYI for us day traders with cash accounts, no margin enabled on cash accounts. So not able to borrow the $1k and stick it into sgov to recoup the fee for gold.