[YMMV] Walgreens: Spend $1 & Get $15 In W Cash

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Walgreens has offers such as spend $15 and get $15 in W Cash, or spend $1 and get $10

The Fine Print

  • Limit 1 storewide coupon redeemed per transaction
  • Purchase requirement must be met in one transaction, before taxes/shipping, after discounts, store credit and walgreens cash redeemed.
  • Excludes photo orders not picked up in store, alcohol, dairy, tobacco, gift cards, clinic services, prescriptions, pharmacy items or services, sales tax and shipping.

Our Verdict

Easy deal to meet the requirements for

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VGT (@guest_1668378)
August 7, 2023 22:26

Is Walgreens cash down for anyone? It is saying this service is not available and showing me $0 balance

C (@guest_1665500)
August 3, 2023 12:50

I hadn’t used my walgreens account for about a year until I noticed the spend $1 earn $10 in rewards coupon about 2 months ago. After using that one, I received that exact coupon twice every week for the next 6 weeks, all sent to a single account. One would be in my coupons and another one would be emailed to me about midweek that I could add to my coupons. I thought it was happening to everyone…

Gerald (@guest_1657787)
July 21, 2023 13:45

Walgreens has some very good deals next week, with a different deal each day. I figure I can spend around $65 and $55 back.

Karen (@guest_1655842)
July 17, 2023 21:53

How do you find these offers? Under coupons? Deals? Weekly ad?

Original Jack
Original Jack (@guest_1656019)
July 18, 2023 08:00

Under coupons. I usually get an email from Walgreens a lot of the time.

Heehee (@guest_1655743)
July 17, 2023 18:46

Spend 2x $10 for $7.

Looks like their data scientist are freely able to AB test with coupons.

John Anders
John Anders (@guest_1655704)
July 17, 2023 17:35

I just did this last week. I have 4 accounts and only one had any coupons. That one I got $50 in rewards for about $5 in purchases. I ended up spending all my rewards and got $60 worth of goods for about $11 in spend when all was said and done.

nudder (@guest_1655172)
July 16, 2023 22:57

My offer seems to be the poorest version so far; spend $15 five times for $15 rewards

JG - Dollar Consultant
JG - Dollar Consultant (@guest_1655179)
July 16, 2023 23:21

0 offers here lol. Probably because I still have $34 Walgreen cash left

Gerald (@guest_1655186)
July 16, 2023 23:34

I have way more than that, and I got a decent offer.

Pnyboy (@guest_1655132)
July 16, 2023 20:45

I had/have (they don’t disappear after use) the $15 with $1, and a $10 with $1.
I was able to use both of them in two different transactions (1.99 transactions) over different days. I now have $25 from those two.
Also as a data p, once you have any W cash in your account be sure to not use it to pay for anything when your attempting to use one of those spend X get Y coupons. With all my experiences it negates that coupon when you do that.

I just got a $20 with $40 spend one a few days ago too.

lenin1991 (@guest_1655182)
July 16, 2023 23:27

> once you have any W cash in your account be sure to not use it to pay for anything when your attempting to use one of those spend X get Y coupons. With all my experiences it negates that coupon when you do that.

In my experience, as long as a still spent at least X after applying the W cash, it still triggered Y. (Most recent example: I had a Spend $1 Get $10, I made a $13 purchase, using $10 W cash, it still triggered.)

dave (@guest_1655120)
July 16, 2023 20:13

I have 2 offers – one for $15 and another for $10.
Not familiar with walgreens program. Does this mean I have to spend $1+ and will get $15 in W Cash to use in future?

Pnyboy (@guest_1655131)
July 16, 2023 20:40

yes, you spend a $1 you get what essentially is store credit/cash to use in the future purchases (the W cash)

Leapfrogger (@guest_1655133)
July 16, 2023 20:52

That is correct and certainly worth doing. But don’t be caught up in the usual Walgreens weekly deals. Walgreens cash isn’t worth it cause most of their stuff is so overpriced. You can manage it but you have to shop very wisely.

Dave (@guest_1655140)
July 16, 2023 21:15

I’ll give it a shot. I’ve only used the walgreens account for photos thus far. Thanks

Chris (@guest_1655110)
July 16, 2023 19:51

Don’t think I see anything on mine, just a bunch of product coupons. I’m logged in and also tried searching for things like “cash” and nothing shows up. I scrolled down and skimmed some of the other deals but no spend x get x offers that I could see unless they’re way on the bottom somewhere.

n (@guest_1655263)
July 17, 2023 04:25

Had the same issue. We must be looking in the wrong spot or something

Original Jack
Original Jack (@guest_1655299)
July 17, 2023 07:22

All my Walgreens Cash deals are the first ones listed. Once inhale, there are none. I’ve never been targeted with the spend $1, get $xx offers.