You Can Search For Comments

I’m not sure why, but a lot of readers don’t seem to realize that it’s possible to search comments on an individual page. This option is located just below the comment form on each page (see screenshot below).

You can also change the sort by from ‘newest’ to ‘oldest’ to show comments that were posted first. There is also an option to subscribe to comments without adding a comment (under ‘Subscribe’). Comment search can be incredibly useful so hopefully this post helps some readers.

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Xyz (@guest_1178100)
April 16, 2021 23:05


Vic (@guest_1018555)
July 17, 2020 22:20

I didn’t know we could search and sort comments until reading the discussion recently about the site redesign.
But yeah, both are extremely useful.

Johnz (@guest_1018176)
July 17, 2020 10:20

Anyone know what Comment search … by E-mail does?

JoeHx (@guest_1018139)
July 17, 2020 09:24

I’ve always just done CTRL-F, but this is better because sometimes comments get collapsed, and CTRL-F won’t find those comments.

Also, I’ve only searched for my name in comments on referral threads to make sure I don’t double-post a my referral. I just tried searching for a name on the comment search box, and it does work searching for names.

Lefty (@guest_1018136)
July 17, 2020 09:18

The feature you removed that I miss most is the ability to see the most recent comments to threads. It was helpful to know where users were communicating and on what topics. If someone comments on an aged article, users won’t see it unless they search for the topic which means less discussion overall. Maybe I missed the reason you removed the feature but I’d like to see it back.  William Charles  Chuck

George (@guest_1018150)
July 17, 2020 09:34
desert rat
desert rat (@guest_1018224)
July 17, 2020 11:33

I agree with Lefty. It’s helpful to see what’s being commented on in one place so you don’t miss something, rather than having to open every old thread to see if anyone has posted new comments.

Samosa (@guest_1018385)
July 17, 2020 15:00

As George and others have pointed out, you can still see recent comments. Just hover over the knowledge base tab and from drop down list select “most recent comments”.

desert rat
desert rat (@guest_1018877)
July 18, 2020 21:44

Thanks, that works.

Vic (@guest_1018559)
July 17, 2020 22:22

It been discussed.
DoC tried putting it at the side bar, which caused extremely heavy load on the server making the entire site un-useable. If you wanna see recent comments side wide, just visit the recent comment thread.

Frank (@guest_1018128)
July 17, 2020 08:56

Now how do I see what comment someone gave me a thumbs down for? 🙂

Frank (@guest_1018127)
July 17, 2020 08:55

Wow! I feel dumb. I always load the comments all up and then use the find on the browser to look for key words. Lol Thanks

George (@guest_1018114)
July 17, 2020 08:16

It probably has to do with how it’s displayed on mobile. The magnifying glass is way to the left and looks like a button that just doesn’t do anything, and on the right, the word “search” is not visible (just “Comment”). For the longest time, I thought it was either an old version of the comment box, or a search function that didn’t work.

SSS (@guest_1018102)
July 17, 2020 07:00

Can you also add a feature to load all comments at once? There are a few times I would rather prefer doing Ctrl+f than use search comment feature.

July 17, 2020 08:33

Yeah, same. I don’t know if there’s any such option, though. Last I heard, it’s a single decision of load-all or load-some for the entire site, and I’m not sure there’s any plugin or the like that can be added for a load-all feature on each page.

Raynemaker84 (@guest_1189930)
May 12, 2021 01:32

Why does the app say “no comments” have been made when 1000 comments have been made? I literally cannot see not only my comment history but the history of others as well?

Henry (@guest_1018037)
July 17, 2020 01:35

well, I hate to feel stupid, but thanks for pointing out that.